Degree of Correction in Bunion Using Dynamic Splints


  • Zia Ur Rehman
  • Osama Shahid



bunion, dynamic splints, correction, orthosis


Background. Hallux valgus   or   bunions   the   most   widely recognized   issue of   the forefoot in grown-ups (1). The deformity of   Hallux valgus  is  reformist,  and  includes  a  few phases, yet  starts  with lateral  deviation  of  the  big  toe  (Hallux)  and  medially deviation  of  the  first  main  metatarsal  bone. An  Hallux  valgus  angle  more prominent  than  15  degrees  is  viewed  as  unusual  yet  at  such  a point  the proximal  phalanx  may  in  any  case  be  consistent  with  the  metatarsal  head   when seen on radiographs.(2) The  cause  of  Hallux  valgus  has  been  a  discuss topic  for  years,  but  is  likely associated  with  genetic  predisposition,  restrictive footwear,  other  foot  deformities  such  as  pronation  of  the  hind  foot furthermore, (pes planus, hyper mobility,  contracture  of  the  Achilles  ligament , and neuromuscular  problems,  for  example,  cerebral paralysis  and  stroke(3). Orthoses have been proposed to lessen the raised plantar weight under the medial ray in patients with  Hallux  Valgus  or  bunion  and  diminish pain (7,8) when joined with  a  toe separator, orthosis  may  likewise  assist  with  remedying  alignment. Preventing   general disability and  halting  the  progression  of  structural  changes  are  important  for  the management  of hallux valgus. Objectives. To evaluate the  clinical  effects  of  dynamic  splints  on  Hallux  valgus  this study was  performed. To  measure  the  degree  of  correction  that  can  be  achieved  using  the dynamic  splints. Methods. Sample size was 8. Hallux valgus patients with age from 15-60 years, Mild, moderate Hallux Valgus, Hallux valgus angle < 40 degree, Both genders. Results. Total sample size was 8, in which 6 (75%) were Female and 2 (25%) were males, and they all are from Peshawar. Total sample size was 8 and Mean of the angle before using the splint is (20.75) and standard deviation among the angle was (2.315). Total sample size was 8 and Mean of the angle after using appliance for 15 day was (19.88) and standard deviation of the total population was (2.58), while the correction achieved in degree of angle has a mean of (1.00) and standard deviation of (0.535). Data was recorded and analyzed through SPSS. Conclusion. The persistence of  the  effect  of orthosis  is  another  point  which  could  be assessed  by  evaluating  changes  during the wash-out  period. The fact  is  that  the  angular  changes  are  related  to  the  time  when  orthosis  is  worn,  so   these  changes  were  returned  to  first  state  by  doffing  the  orthosis.


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How to Cite

Rehman, Z. ., & Shahid , O. . (2022). Degree of Correction in Bunion Using Dynamic Splints. Journal of Prosthetics Orthotics and Science Technology, 1(1), 39–44.