The Etiology of Upper Extremity Amputation in Lower Punjab Pakistan
Upper limb amputation, Road traffic accidents, Crush injuries, Risk mitigation, Community interventionAbstract
Background: Amputation, a common orthopedic procedure, is often necessary due to severe trauma or vascular diseases, yet it can lead to psychological issues. This study investigates the causes of upper limb amputation in a specific region of Pakistan to raise awareness and mitigate risks. Aims: To identify causes of upper limb amputation in a specific region of Pakistan and raise awareness to prevent such occurrences. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on upper limb amputations in South Punjab between January 2015 and June 2017. Data from 1174 patients, collected at the Physical Rehabilitation Centre in Muzaffargarh, were analyzed based on age, gender, amputation level, and affected side using HMIS, PMRN, and Microsoft Excel. Results: Analysis revealed a male-to-female ratio of 824:350, with the highest incidence among individuals aged 31 to 45. Crush injuries, primarily caused by the "TOKKA" machine, accounted for 66.4% of cases, followed by road traffic accidents at 10.7%. Domestic violence and electric shocks were also observed. Conclusion: Crush injuries from the "TOKKA" machine were the leading cause of upper limb amputations, highlighting the need for machinery safety awareness. Additionally, promoting protective gear use like helmets and early intervention in domestic violence can help reduce such injuries.Downloads
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