The Relationship Between Medication Adherence And A Low Salt Diet With The Incidence of Readmission In Heart Failure Patients at RSUD Kota Depok
Hubungan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Dan Diet Rendah Garam Terhadap Kejadian Readmission Pada Pasien Gagal Jantung Di RSUD Kota Depok
heart failure, medication adherence, low-salt diet adherence, readmission incidenceAbstract
Heart failure is a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. Heart failure is a noncommunicable disease that is the leading cause of death worldwide every year. Readmission is the re-hospitalization ofa patient who has previously returned home to receive inpatient treatment at a hospital. Heart failure patients whoexperienced readmission due to a recurrence of the symptoms suffered. Depok City is one of the cities in West Java witha relatively high prevalence of heart failure, namely 4.65%, and in 2020 it ranks in the top 10 with a total of 8,543 cases(6.08%). Therefore, it is important to know whether or not there is a relationship between medication adherence and alow salt diet on the incidence of readmission in heart failure patients. This study used a cross sectional research designwith a retrospective approach. The samples taken in this study were 92 respondents with the inclusion criteria of heartfailure patients who experienced readmission within a period of 1 year at the Depok City Hospital. The samplingtechnique used in this study was a consecutive sampling technique. Collecting data using respondent data questionnaire,MMAS-8 questionnaire, and DSR-SCB questionnaire. The results showed that there was a relationship betweenadherence to medication and a low-salt diet on the incidence of readmission in heart failure patients with p value = 0.000in the first, second, and third yearsDownloads
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