Center of Excellent : Health Assistive Technology 2025-03-30T17:03:35+07:00Rizki Sofian[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Journal Center of Excellent : Health Assistive Technology (CoE) is an international journal published by the Center of Excellent (Pusat Unggulan Iptek) Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta I. The research article submitted to this online journal will be peer-reviewed at least 2 (two) reviewers. Every article that goes to the editorial staff will be selected through Initial Review processes by Editorial Board. Then, the articles will be sent to the peer reviewer and will go to the next selection by Open Preview Process. After that, the articles will be returned to the authors to revise. These processes take a month for a maximum time. In each manuscript, the peer reviewer will be rated from the substantial and technical aspects. The Final decision of articles acceptance will be made by Editors according to Reviewers comments. Peer reviewer that collaboration with Journal Center of Excellent : Health Assistive Technology is the experts in the medical, health sciences and health assistive technology area and issues around it. They were experienced in the prestigious journal management and publication that was spread around the national and abroad.</p> using lecture methods and puppet media on knowledge and dental hygiene status in elementary school students2025-03-25T13:29:46+07:00Julianti Julianti[email protected]Culia Rahayu[email protected]Lina Rismayani[email protected]<p>Background: The high dental problems in elementary school children are caused by low knowledge and dental health behavior. Puppet media is effective to use because it provides real visualization that is interesting and easy for children to understand. This study aims to analyze the effect of education with the lecture method using puppet media on knowledge of dental health maintenance and dental and oral hygiene status in grade V students of SDN 1 Sindangkempeng, Cirebon Regency. Method: This research is a pre-experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design, with a total sample of 42 students. Results: based on the Wilcoxon statistical test with a p-value of 0.000, the results obtained were an increase in knowledge of dental and oral health maintenance of students to 86% with good criteria and an increase in the hygiene index to 74% of students having a good category. Conclusion: there is an effect of education with the lecture method using puppet media on knowledge of dental health maintenance and dental and oral hygiene status in elementary school students.</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Julianti Julianti, Culia Rahayu, Lina Rismayani Si Gigi game media as an effort to improve knowledge and tooth brushing skills of preschool children2025-03-26T11:07:20+07:00Adilla Saharani[email protected]Rini Widiyastuti[email protected]<p>Background: In general, learning while playing is popular among children, especially kindergarten students, besides being interesting, children do not get bored easily. To improve knowledge and motivation to learn, one of them is by playing the ROMPI Si Gigi media game. The material in this media is shaped like a spinning wheel and is equipped with pictures of the steps for brushing teeth. Objective: To analyze knowledge and skills before and after being given education on how to brush teeth through the ROMPI Si Gigi game media in preschool children. Method: This research employs a quasi-experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. It was conducted at TK Bakti Mulya 400 South Jakarta, using a purposive sampling technique of 36 respondents. The independent variable is the ROMPI Si Gigi game media and the dependent variable is the knowledge and skills of brushing teeth. The instruments are in the form of questionnaire sheets (pretest and posttest), checklist sheets for brushing teeth skills. Results: This study shows that the results of respondents' knowledge before the ROMPI Si Gigi media game education were mostly in the sufficient criteria of 18 students (50.0%) and after being given education, most were in the good criteria of 21 students (58.4%). Respondents' skills before the ROMPI Si Gigi media game education were mostly in the sufficient criteria of 14 students (38.9%) and after education, most were in the very good criteria of 36 students (100%). Conclusion: There was an increase in knowledge and skills in brushing teeth after being given ROMPI Si Gigi media game education.</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Adilla Saharani, Rini Widiyastuti Jicama Fruit on Debris Index Status in Elementary School Students2025-03-26T12:43:18+07:00Raihan Maulina[email protected]Teuku Salfiyadi[email protected]Ainun Mardiah[email protected]Cut Aja Nuraskin[email protected]<p>Debris index is food residue that sticks to the surface of the teeth. Eating fibrous fruits can reduce the debris index. As we know, fruits can also clean the oral cavity. The results of the examination of dental and oral hygiene on the initial data from all 10 students, the debris index was categorized as bad in 7 students and 3 students were categorized as moderate, this is in accordance with WHO's expectations, namely ?2. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of consuming yam bean fruit on the status of debris index in students of SDN Kandang, Sakti District, Pidie Regency. This study used a quasi-experimental study, using a one-group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique used a random sampling technique totaling 48 students. The study was conducted on February 24, 2014. The results showed the effect of consuming yam bean fruit on the status of debris index with a pretest value of 2.54 to 1.35 in the posttest. With the results of p = 0.000 (p <0.05). It can be concluded that there is an effect of consuming jicama fruit on the debris index status of students at SDN Kandang, Sakti District, Pidie Regency. It is recommended that students maintain dental and oral health by brushing their teeth at least 2 times a day and consuming fibrous foods so that their teeth become healthy</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Teuku Salfiyadi Dental Card Game as an Effort to Improve Dental Health Knowledge in Elementary School Students2025-03-26T06:03:13+07:00Siti Qoulan Tsakila[email protected]Tedi Purnama[email protected]<p>Background: along with the development of technology, technology-based educational learning media has also developed, one of which is the uno card application. Elementary school children need appropriate and adequate educational learning media to increase their knowledge, especially regarding health, especially dental and oral health, the formation of a fun learning situation is also one way to achieve ideal and meaningful learning. The presence of media, especially visual media in learning activities, will help foster the initial interest of respondents which is expected to be able to stimulate further curiosity about the material being taught. Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of dental health knowledge before and after being given dental health education with the uno dental card media game for elementary school children. Method: The research design used in this study was a quasi-experiment with a pretest and posttest design with one group design. This study was conducted in March-April 2024 on grade 5 students of SDN 08 Cilandak Barat. The instruments used include a questionnaire and the uno dental card media game. Data analysis is conducted using the Wilcoxon test. Results: The results of this study indicate that the average value of knowledge about dental health maintenance before being given education with the Uno dental card media game is 90.73 and after being given education with the Uno dental card media game is 97.80 with a good category, with the Wilcoxon test results of p <0.001. Conclusion: The Uno dental media game is effective in increasing knowledge about dental and oral health as evidenced by an increase in the average value of knowledge which is included in the good criteria or this can be seen from the difference in the average value of knowledge of 7.71 which means an increase</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Siti Qoulan Tsakila, Tedi Purnama Hygiene Education on the Dental and Oral Hygiene Status of Inpatients at Ananda Hospital, Bekasi2025-03-26T06:08:53+07:00Pegi Pratiwi[email protected]<p>Background: Indonesian people often experience dental and oral health problems with a prevalence rate of 57.6%. With a caries prevalence of 88.8% and periodontal tissue (gingivitis) reaching 74.1%. In West Java province, dental and oral health problems reach 58.0%. Inpatients have poor dental and oral hygiene status. Objective: to analyze the dental and oral hygiene of inpatients before and after being given oral hygiene education at Ananda Bekasi Hospital in 2024. Method: The research design used was a quasi-experimental study with one group pre-test and post-test before and after oral hygiene education with flipcharts and toothbrush demonstrations were given to patients at Ananda Bekasi Hospital. Results: The results of education for 3 days on 32 inpatients at Ananda Hospital Bekasi showed that before education, patients with good criteria were 3 (10%), patients with moderate criteria were 19 (59%) and poor criteria were 10 patients (31%). After education, patients with good criteria were 8 patients (25%), moderate criteria were 21 patients (65%) and poor criteria were 3 patients (10%). The average difference in oral hygiene status (OHI-S) before and after education was 0.83 with p = 0.04. Conclusion: it can be concluded that oral hygiene education is effective in improving the oral hygiene status of inpatients at Ananda Hospital Bekasi.</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Pegi Pratiwi health education with songs as an effort to increase knowledge of brushing teeth in elementary school students2025-03-26T12:48:11+07:00Rayana Aulia Arif[email protected]Adelina Barus[email protected]<p>Background: The 2018 Basic Health Research showed that only 2.8% of the Indonesian population had brushed their teeth at the correct time, namely in the morning after breakfast and at night before going to bed. Banten Province showed that the population aged ? 3 years in Banten Province had brushed their teeth at the correct time. One of the health promotion efforts is through education, where dental health education is closely related to a media. One of the educational media for elementary school children is children's songs. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of increasing knowledge of brushing teeth before dental health education with songs in grade II students of SDN Rengas South Tangerang 2024. Method: The design of this study used a quasi-experimental design, with a research sample of 34 grade II A students of SDN Rengas using the total sampling method. The instrument used was a questionnaire sheet on how to brush teeth, then the method and media used were songs about Brushing Teeth. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test. Results: Knowledge before and after being given education on Brushing Teeth with songs, in the good category, namely (67%) to (97%), in the sufficient category, namely (30%) to (3%), and in the less category, namely (3%) to none (0%). The average knowledge before education showed a figure of 77 with a good category. While the average knowledge after education was at 95, there was a difference in knowledge of 18 with p = 0.001. Conclusion: there was an increase in knowledge of brushing teeth with song education in elementary school children</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rayana Aulia Arif Fruit as an Effort to Reduce Plaque Index in Hypertension Patients 2025-03-26T15:10:02+07:00Nanda Rahmadani Putri[email protected]Ngatemi Ngatemi[email protected]Indrayati Fadjeri[email protected]<p>Background: Dental and oral hygiene is a condition in which the oral cavity is free from dirt such as plaque and calculus. One simple way to reduce dental plaque is to regulate diet, especially by increasing consumption of fibrous foods such as vegetables and fruits, for example melon. Melon contains vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and fiber. In every 100 grams of melon, there are 88.9 grams of water and 0.6 grams of fiber. Purpose: This study was to analyze the Plaque Index Before and After Consuming Melon Fruit in Hypertension Patients. Method: This study was a quasi-experimental study with with a pretest and posttest design with one group design. Sampling technique with purposive sampling, as many as 38 respondents. The study was conducted in the community of RW 14 Bukit Cimanggu City Housing, Bogor in 2024. The instrument used in this study was a plaque index examination sheet and data analysis using a paired sample test. Results: Before consuming melon, the results of the plaque index were good for 4 people (10.5%), moderate criteria for 22 people (57.9%), and poor criteria for 12 people (31.6%). After consuming melon, the results of the plaque index with the criteria of very good were 4 people (10.5%), good for 20 people (52.6%) and moderate for 14 people (36.8%). The results of the statistical test obtained p = 0.04. Conclusion: Consuming melon is effective in reducing the plaque index in hypertension patients</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nanda Rahmadani Putri, Ngatemi Ngatemi, Indrayati Fadjeri water apple (syzygium aqueum) as an effort to reduce plaque index 2025-03-26T18:59:58+07:00Haifa Wardah Nafisah[email protected]Tedi Purnama[email protected]Rikawarastuti Rikawarastuti[email protected]<p>Background: Teeth are important organs that need to be kept clean. Maintaining oral hygiene will reduce a person's risk of developing diseases related to the mouth. Dental plaque is a collection of microorganisms on the surface of the teeth in the form of biofilms that can affect the oral cavity system. How to remove plaque naturally with fresh and fibrous fruits can be a self-cleaning or natural cleaner for the layer that sticks to the surface of the teeth, because it can indirectly rub the surface of the teeth. Guava is one of the fruits that contains water and fiber. Objective: This study aims to analyze the plaque index before and after chewing water apple. Method: The research design used in this study was a quasi-experimental design with a pretest and posttest with one group design. The data collection technique was purposive sampling, as many as 35 respondents. The instrument used in this study was a plaque index with the Patient Hygiene Performance Index and data analysis using a paired sample test. Results: The results of this study showed that before chewing water apple, 25 respondents (71.43%) were in the poor category and after chewing water guava, 34 respondents (97.14%) were obtained. The difference in plaque index score before chewing water apple was 2.1 while after chewing water apple was 1.1, with p=0.02. Conclusion: There was a decrease in plaque index before and after chewing water apple as evidenced by p<0.05</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Haifa Wardah Nafisah, Tedi Purnama, Rikawarastuti Rikawarastuti Method of Singing and Storytelling to Improve Knowledge of Dental and Oral Health Maintenance in Elementary School Students2025-03-26T19:02:59+07:00Annida Aulia Hasan[email protected]Novia Febrianti Nurdiansyah[email protected]<p>Background: Indonesian people have 57.6% dental and oral health problems. Ignorance of dental and oral hygiene is a behavioral element that contributes to dental and oral health problems in the population. This comes from a lack of understanding of dental hygiene and care. One of the most effective ways to instill habits in children in maintaining dental and oral health is through dental and oral health education or counseling efforts, one of which is through singing and storytelling methods. Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of knowledge of dental and oral health maintenance before and after education with a combination of singing and storytelling methods in elementary school students. Method: This study used a quasi-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The instrument used was a questionnaire sheet and data analysis using the Wilcoxon test. Results: The results of this study indicate that the average knowledge before counseling was 5, while after counseling it was 9.3, with p = 0.000 (p <0.05). Conclusion: The combination of singing and storytelling methods is effective in increasing knowledge of dental and oral health maintenance</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Annida Aulia Hasan, Novia Febrianti Nurdiansyah of dental and oral health before and after counseling using quartet cards for elementary school students2025-03-27T12:52:35+07:00Marisa Salsabilah[email protected]Siti Nurbayani Tauchid[email protected]<p>Background: Playing while learning is one of the hobbies among elementary students to increase students’ knowledge and motivation of learning, one of them with quartet card game. The material in this game is formed in cards presented in the form of pictures and equipped with descriptions of the pictures. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the knowledge of dental and oral health before and after counseling using quartet card for fourth grade students at SDN Pancoran Mas 01 Depok. Methods: This research method is a quasi-experimental study with a total sampling technique of 57 students of class IV. The data collection instrument used was pre and post test questionnaire sheets from previous research which had been modified with a total of 10 questions and quartet card counseling media. Results: The results of this study showed that the average value of knowledge before counseling was 65% in the sufficient category, and after counseling was 93% in the good category. And the frequency distribution in the good category is 49.1% to 94.7%, in the sufficient category is 29.8% to 2.3% and in the less category is 21.1% to 0%. Conclusion: The results showed that there was an average increase in students' dental and oral health knowledge after counseling by 28% which proved that the quartet card counseling was able to increase students' knowledge</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Marisa Salsabilah, Siti Nurbayani Tauchid Busy Book Media on Improving Tooth Brushing Skills2025-03-27T11:41:16+07:00Aldila Aldila[email protected]<p>Background: Learning while playing is favored by elementary school students to improve student skills, one of which is the dental busy book game. The material in this game is formed in a book presented in the form of pictures and is equipped with a description of the picture. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the skills of how to brush teeth before and after counseling with dental busy book media in grade I SDIT Tirta Buaran Serua Ciputat South Tangerang. Methods: This research method is quasi experimental research with a purposive sampling technique of 34 first grade children. Data collection instruments used were pre and post test observation sheets totaling 10 activities and dental busy book counseling media. Results: The results of this study obtained skills before counseling which included the highest category with unskilled criteria as many as 20 people (58.8%) and the lowest category with skilled criteria as many as 14 people (41.2%). While after counseling the results obtained with the highest category with skilled criteria as many as 34 people (100%), and the lowest category did not exist. The average tooth brushing skills of first grade children of SDIT Tirta Buaran Serua Ciputat South Tangerang increased from 7.26 to 9.71 with skilled criteria. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is an increase in tooth brushing skills with counseling using dental busy book media</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Aldila Aldila Health Labyrinth Game Education to Improve Dental and Oral Health Knowledge in Elementary School Students2025-03-26T21:24:35+07:00Mufida Afiah Fitratunisa[email protected]Syifa Yulia Lestari[email protected]<p>Background: Elementary school children are aware of the learning and understanding process. Therefore, it is important to improve dental health knowledge. The use of appropriate media for promoting dental and oral health is very effective if it is adjusted to the age of fifth grade elementary school students. One of the educational media used is a maze game that is adapted to convey dental health information interactively. So that it can be used in promotional activities which are one of the UKGS programs to improve dental health knowledge. Objective: This study aims to analyze dental and oral health knowledge before and after the dental health labyrinth game education in elementary school students. Method: The research design used a quasi-experiment with a pretest and posttest design with one group design. Sampling in this study used a purposive sampling technique with a sample size of 62 respondents. The instrument used a questionnaire and Dental health labyrinth media. Data analysis was conducted using the Wilcoxon test. Results: The results showed that dental health knowledge increased, from 32 students (51.6%) in the sufficient category to 62 students (100%) in the good category. The average increase in knowledge before and after education was 78.39 to 98.06 with statistical test results p = 0.000 (p <0.05). Conclusion: Dental health labyrinth game education is effective increasing dental health knowledge in elementary school students</p>2025-03-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mufida Afiah Fitratunisa, Syifa Yulia Lestari