Journal of Dental Hygiene and Therapy2024-10-16T14:22:28+07:00Tedi Purnama[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong>JDHT Journal of Dental Hygiene and Therapy</strong>, is a scientific journal published by Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta I since April, 2020. It is Published in April and October with registered number ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2723-1607</a> (online). <strong> </strong>The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of Dental Hygiene, Dental Therapy and Dentistry. Mitra Bebestari/ peer reviewer that collaboration with JDHT Journal of Dental Hygiene and Therapy is the experts in the Dental Hygiene, Dental Therapy, Dental Assistant, Dental Nursing, Dentistry and issues around it.</p> OF ART THERAPY TECHNIQUES ON TOOTHBRUSHING SKILLS FOR SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN IN KUTA TRADITIONAL VILLAGE2024-09-30T07:56:19+07:00Aan Kusmana[email protected]Agung Widyagdo[email protected]Eliati Sri Suharja[email protected]Mita Tiana[email protected]Endah Wulansari[email protected]<p>Background: The 2023 Indonesian health survey shows that the prevalence of dental caries in Indonesia is 43.6% and the prevalence of cavities in Jawabarat Province is 48%. Based on the characteristics of the age group of 5-9 years is 49.9% and the age group of 10-14 years is 37.2%. Method: This research method is the Quasi Experimental method with One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon Test, with a sample of 32 children aged 6-12 years from Kuta Traditional Village, which is a traditional village located in the area of Karangpaningal Village, Tambaksari District, Ciamis Regency, West Java. The measuring instrument uses an observation sheet of brushing skills. Results: The skills before being given counseling were 3.7 with an average of less skilled criteria, after being given counseling to 8.3 with an average of moderately skilled criteria. Conclusion: The value of p = 0.000 shows that there is an effect of counseling using art therapy techniques on toothbrushing skills in school-age children in Kuta Traditional Village.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aan Kusmana STATUS MEASURED WITH THE ICDAS II ON QUALITY OF LIFE IN CHILDREN 2024-10-01T07:29:38+07:00Ulfah Utami[email protected]Maria Andani[email protected]Yenni Hendriani Praptiwi[email protected]Deru Marah Laut[email protected]<p>Dental caries is an infection of the hard part of the teeth that is very vulnerable in children. Unaddressed tooth decay interferes with child development, especially primary school-age children who have an impact on quality of life, discomfort and experience learning disorders that affect academic achievement. In the ICDAS II index, caries measurement can be seen from the stage of development starting from clinically visible enamel changes to more extensive cavitation. This study aims to determine the relationship of caries status measured by ICDAS II to quality of life in 12-year-old children. Analytic research with cross sectional method. The study population was 12 years old students with a purposive sampling technique of 43 samples. Data obtained using caries examination sheets and quality of life questionnaires. The statistical test used in the study was Kendall's tau-b test. The results showed that the relationship between caries status measured by ICDAS II to quality of life obtained a p-value of 0.000 with a correlation value of 0.515 which is included in the strong relationship category. The conclusion is that this study found a significant relationship between caries status measured by ICDAS II and quality of life in 12-year-old children.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfah Utami, Maria Andani, Yenni Hendriani Praptiwi, Deru Marah Laut OF ACACIA CARPA HONEY AS A POTENTIAL INGREDIENT FOR CHILDREN’S MOUTHWASH 2024-10-01T07:31:22+07:00Mira Sri Gumilar[email protected]Idham Halid[email protected]Tedi Purnama[email protected]Warsono Warsono[email protected]Indrayati Fadjeri[email protected]<p>Dental caries is a dental disease that is most often experienced by people. One way to prevent caries is to gargle with mouthwash. Honey has become one of the natural ingredients that can be used as a mouthwash drug content. Jambi Province is one of the provinces that makes honey a non-timber forest product (NTFP). It is necessary to carry out physical and chemical tests on honey to determine the quality of honey as a basic ingredient for mouthwash. The honey samples examined were honey harvested from honey farms in Danau Lamo, Maro Sebo District, Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi Province. This type of honey is Acacia Carpa (Acacia crassicarpa) honey from Apis mellifera honey bee farming. The honey tested consisted of honey that had undergone processing and raw honey. The honey testing carried out consists of organoleptic tests, physical tests and chemical tests. Testing was carried out at the Jambi Province Department of Industry and Trade. The inspection results show test results that comply with SNI 8664-2018 such as water content, water-insoluble solids, ash content, HMF, and diastase enzyme levels. The pH of honey is 3.7 and is in accordance with the honey pH standard. Substances that do not comply with SNI 8664-2018 are reducing sugar levels and sucrose levels. Honey with high sucrose content can still be used as a basic ingredient for mouthwash, but it must be based on the results of clinical trials to ensure its effectiveness and safety</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mira Sri Gumilar EFFECT OF CONSUMING YOGHURT ON THE SALIVARY PH OF MILDLY MENTALLY RETARTED CHILDREN2024-09-30T11:38:36+07:00Aninda Feyza Rachmaputri[email protected]Emma Kamelia[email protected]Lina Rismayani[email protected]<p>The percentage of people with disabilities in Indonesia is 56% and the prevalence of dental caries in children with disabilities reaches 82.6%. One alternative to prevent dental caries is by consuming probiotic drinks such as yogurt. Yoghurt is sour milk produced by fermenting milk and the group of probiotic products most accepted by children. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of consuming yogurt on the pH of saliva of children with mild deformities SLB Patriot Tasikmalaya City. Methods: The type of research used is a quasi experiment research method with a one group pre-test and post-test research design with a sample of 20 mildly retarded children. The research measuring instrument used a pH meter, and the data was analyzed using a paired sample t-test. Results: Based on the results of the paired sample t-test statistical test, the p-value = 0.001 (p < 0.05) means that there is an effect of consuming yogurt on the pH of the saliva of mildly retarded children of SLB Patriot Tasikmalaya City. Conclusion: Consuming yogurt regularly for seven days can increase salivary pH in mildly retarded children.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aninda Feyza Rachmaputri BOARD TO IMPROVE CHILDREN'S DENTAL AND ORAL HEALTH KNOWLEDGE2024-10-02T11:11:30+07:00Hadiyat Miko[email protected]Tita Kartika Dewi[email protected]Wahyudin Wahyudin[email protected]<p>Background: The five-year period in the stage of child development is the golden age, which is a golden period in the period of growth and development of children. During this period, everything that is poured out and absorbed in the child will become the basis and sharp memory in the child, including the maintenance of dental health. The growth of 3 to 5-year-olds has some skills such as color naming. Children do tend to prefer to play. Children's activities while playing while learning can support growth and development and absorb learning optimally. Games that can be played while learning are putting together simple puzzles, drawing and coloring, composing and stacking block games, playing sand, clay or toy candles, singing, role-playing, playing music and board games. Objectives: To develop dental and oral health game boards for kindergarten children aged 3-5 years in kindergartens in the Kersamenak sub-district, Kawalu Tasikamalaya District. Methods: The research method is carried out by research and development (R&D) methods and <em>Quasi experiments</em> with<em> non-equivalent pre and post test designs. </em>The research was conducted by conducting FGD with kindergarten teachers in the Kersamenak sub-district area, Kawalu District, Tasikmalaya City using a total sampling technique of 30 teachers. Results: The description of the conclusion to the respondents' answers is the development of dental and oral health game boards for kindergarten children aged 3-5 years in kindergartens in the Kersamenak sub-district, Kawalu Tasikamalaya District. Conclusion: Production of dental and oral health game boards and game board manuals.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hadiyat Miko, Tita Kartika Dewi; Wahyudin Wahyudin'S AREA LEARNING MODEL AS AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE KNOWLEDGE AND TEETH BRUSHING SKILLS PRESCHOOL CHILDREN 2024-09-26T07:41:35+07:00Rizki Sofian[email protected]Suharyo Hadisaputro[email protected]Lanny Sunarjo[email protected]Bambang Sutomo[email protected]<p>Background: Preschool children have different characteristics from children of other ages, so that maximizing their cognitive, affective and psychomotor potential requires appropriate learning methods. Dental's Learning Area Model is a dental health education model that gives preschool children, especially the 3-4 year age group, the choice to choose the areas they want to learn about dental and oral health so that with this choice children are able to optimize learning according to their criteria and abilities. Objective: Develop a Dental's Area Learning Model as an effort to increase knowledge and skills in brushing teeth and reduce the Plaque Control Record (PCR) of preschool children. Method: Quasy Experiment Pretest And Posttest With Control Group Design, Research subjects were preschool children aged 3-4 years who were divided into 2 groups: 1. Dental's Area Learning Model intervention for 14 days through 4 stages of activities, namely training, simulation, brushing practice teeth and evaluation in children. 2. 14 day tooth brushing model as control. Dependent variable: knowledge and teeth brushing skills. Data were tested using Wilcoxon and Independent t-test. Results: Dental's Area Learning Model is effective in increasing students' knowledge of brushing teeth with a p-value of =0.000 and brushing skills with a p-value of 0.000 (<0.05). Conclusion: Dental's Area Learning Model is effective in increasing knowledge and teeth brushing skills in preschool children</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rizki Sofian, Suharyo Hadisaputro, Lanny Sunarjo, Bambang Sutomo WITH RED BELT LEAF BOILING (PIPER CROCATUM) ON SALIVA pH IN STUDENTS SMP NEGERI 4 PINELENG MINAHASA DISTRICT2024-09-30T07:59:59+07:00Jeana Lydia Maramis[email protected]Kadek Fendi Yusriadi[email protected]Ni Made Yuliana[email protected]Youla Karamoy[email protected]<p>Abnormalities in the mouth or dental and oral diseases that occur in a person are usually caused by several factors. The intra-oral and extra-oral environment greatly influences a person's dental and oral health. To maintain healthy teeth and mouth, it is necessary to control saliva, because saliva or saliva in the mouth plays an active role in supporting healthy teeth and mouth. If there is a decrease in saliva pH, it can cause rapid demineralization of tooth elements, while an increase in pH can result in bacterial colonization which deposits and increases the formation of tartar. One way to control the pH of saliva is to gargle with boiled red betel leaves, because they contain compounds that are antibacterial. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of gargling with boiled red betel leaves (piper crocatum) on saliva pH in students at SMP Negeri 4 Pineleng, Minahasa Regency. This research uses a quasi-experimental method with a one group pre and post-test design. This research was carried out by giving treatment to respondents and measuring the pH of saliva before and after gargling with boiled red betel leaves. The sample in this study was 72 students, using random sampling techniques. Data collection was obtained from the results of salivary pH measurements using universal pH test paper with criteria 0-14, the concentration of red betel leaves used in this study was 15%. The data obtained were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon test, it was found that ? value=0.027 (0.027<0.05), so it can be concluded that gargling with boiled red betel leaves is effective in changing saliva pH.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jeana Lydia Maramis FLOW RATE AND PLAQUE SCORE IN CONVENTIONAL SMOKERS2024-10-07T16:13:45+07:00Amanda Zakiyah Nur[email protected]Quroti A’yun[email protected]Etty Yuniarly[email protected]Dwi Eni Purwati[email protected]<p>Background: Smoking had become a common habit in the community. The Lampung Dormitory in Yogyakarta had found that people who had consumed cigarettes for more than 1 year had a moderate level of dental and oral hygiene. Teeth and mouths could be said to be clean if they were free of dirt such as debris, plaque, and calculus. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between saliva flow rate and plaque score in conventional smokers in Lampung Dormitory. Methods: A type quantitative research with an observational analytical approach was used, employing a cross-sectional design. The population of this study was conventional cigarette users aged 18–30. The number of samples in this study was 70 respondents with sampling using the purposive sampling technique. The research variables were saliva flow rate and plaque score. Saliva was taken by the spitting method, and the plaque scores were measured using the PHP (Personal Hygiene Performance) index. Data analysis used bivariate analysis in the form of a chi-square test. Results: Smokers had a low criterion saliva flow rate (50.0%), and smokers had a poor criterion plaque score (45.7%). The average saliva flow rate was low (0.29±0.08), and the plaque score was poor (2.85±0.81). based on the chi-square test showed that p-value was 0.000. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between saliva flow rate and plaque score in conventional smokers.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Amanda Zakiyah Nur EFFECT OF THE ABA (APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS) METHOD ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND EFFICACY OF TOOTHBRUSHING IN AUTICAL CHILDREN2024-10-04T16:26:22+07:00Essal Youlanda[email protected]Arnela Nur[email protected]<p>The dental and oral health of autistic children is generally not good. This is exacerbated by the inability to brush teeth properly, due to disruption of the child's concentration and interaction, making it difficult to receive instructions on how to brush teeth. Dental and oral health problems in autistic children are the same as dental health problems in normal children. The difference is the behavior that autistic children display where they are unable to follow instructions or are uncooperative. Objective: To determine the effect of dental health education using the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) method on the knowledge and efficacy of toothbrushing in autistic children. Method: The type of research design is quasi-experimental with a pretest and posttest non-equivalent control group design utilizing intervention and control groups with a purposive sampling technique totaling 15 intervention groups and 15 control groups. The instrument used for this research was a questionnaire to assess the knowledge and efficacy of brushing teeth in children with autism. Results: There was an influence and increase in knowledge and efficacy of toothbrushing in both groups with a value of (P<0.05), however the increase was higher in the intervention group. Conclusion: There is an influence of dental health education using the ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) method on the knowledge and efficacy of toothbrushing in autistic children</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Essal youlanda essal WITH A SOLUTION OF ACACIA CARPA HONEY SOLUTION OF 10% CONCENTRATION ON THE DEGREE OF SALIVA ACIDITY AND THE TOTAL PLATE COUNT (TPC) OF THE NORMAL FLORA OF THE ORAL CAVITY IN CHILDREN 2024-09-30T15:47:10+07:00Dewi Candra Pribawanti[email protected]Titiek Djannatun[email protected]Linda Weni[email protected]<p>Saliva functions as a buffer that can prevent a decrease in pH or an increase in mouth acidity. Alcohol-free mouthwash containing herbs using honey solution which is made from natural ingredients and is safe for children can be used as an appropriate preventive measure to maintain oral hygiene. The normal flora of the oral cavity consists of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, protozoa and possibly viruses. The aim of the research was to analyze the effect of gargling with a 10% concentration of Acacia Carpa (Acacia Crassicarpa) honey solution on the degree of saliva acidity and Total Plate Count (TPC) of normal oral flora and Gram bacteria in children aged 8-9 years. Method: True experimental research type, with a group pre-test post-test with control group design. The sampling technique was carried out by simple random sampling of 30 children. The degree of acidity of saliva is measured using litmus paper, bacterial colonies are incubated on Nutrient Agar media for 24 hours and counted. Test the normality of the data using the one sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Data were analyzed using the Paired T-test if it was normally distributed and the Kruskal Wallis test if it was not normally distributed. Results: The 10% concentration honey gargle group resulted in the average degree of acidity before, namely 7.00, after 6.98, then the average Total Plate Count (TPC) result for normal oral flora, namely before, was 100.47 CFU/ml, whereas after, it was 69.67. CFU/ml. Paired T-Test test results for the 10% honey gargle group Sig. 0.003 (< 0.05), so there is a significant difference between the Total Plate Count (TPC) before and after gargling honey with a concentration of 10%. Conclusion: There is an effect of gargling honey with a concentration of 10% on Total Plate Count of normal oral flora</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 dewicandra pribawanti OF ORAL HEALTH CARE FOR COMPLETE DENTURES TREATMENT2024-10-07T13:12:42+07:00Moh Imam Santoso Alif Krisna Aditya[email protected]Diyah Fatmasari[email protected]Sukini Sukini[email protected]<p>Based on data from the Basic Health Research 2018, indicate a correlation between age and tooth loss, yet denture utilization remains comparatively low. Dental therapists are primarily responsible for enhancing oral health by preventing, treating, and managing dental problems. While authorized to collaborate with dental specialists in providing medical dental procedures. However, in many clinical settings, dental therapists are often relegated to the role of dental assistants. This limitation can be attributed to the lack of integrated dental care models for complete denture cases within specialized prosthodontic services. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of developed dental and oral health care model on patients with complete denture care on changes in the behavior of dental therapists in implementing the model. This study employs a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest-posttest design (non-equivalent control group). The research was conducted the entire population of 12 dental therapists at the prosthodontic clinic of the dental and oral hospital were randomly assigned to two groups. The intervention group received socialization on an oral health care model. Knowledge, attitude, and skills were assessed through questionnaires and observational methods both before and after the intervention. Data were analyzed statistically using paired t-test, and independent t-test. Its model is effective in behavior changes: improving knowledge (p-value 0.025; ? 7.50), attitudes (p-value 0.012; ? 7.33), skills (p-value 0.002; ? 26.67). Development of a dental and oral health care model in patients with complete denture care is effective in changing the behavior of dental therapists.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Imam Santoso Alif Krisna Aditya, Diyah Fatmasari, Sukini EDUCATION E-BOOKLETS GINGIBOOKS ON GINGIVITIS KNOWLEDGE IN TEENAGERS 2024-09-30T08:05:34+07:00Anggi Prabadewanti[email protected]Eldarita Eldarita[email protected]Aryani Widayati[email protected]Quroti A’yun[email protected]<p>Background: The prevalence rate of gingivitis in Indonesia is quite high. One of the educational services is e-booklet media. The results of a preliminary study at SMA Negeri 1 Demak showed that 100% of students had never received dental health promotion and did not know about gingivitis. Objective: To find out the influence of gingibooks e-booklet media education on knowledge about gingivitis in adolescents. Methods: The type of quasi experimental research with a Non-equevalent control group design, sampling was conducted using simple random sampling with a total of 82 respondents. This sample was divided into 2 groups, namely the experimental and control groups. The location of the research was at SMA Negeri 1 Demak. The data collection technique used questionnaires and data analysis using wilcoxon and mann-whiteney tests. Results: The initial knowledge level of the experimental group was low (4.9%), medium (70.7%) and high (24.4%). Final knowledge with low (0%), medium (2.4%) and high (97.6%) criteria. The level of initial knowledge of the control group with low criteria (9.8%), medium (75.6%) and high 6 (14.6%). Final knowledge with low (0%), medium (36.6%) and high (63.4%) criteria. From the results of the study, there was an increase in knowledge from (70.7%), to (97.6%). The average knowledge in the experimental group was 4.29 and the control group was 2.56. The results of the Mann-Whitney Test obtained a value of p = 0.000 < 0.05. Conclusion: There is a significant influence in the use of e-booklet media on the improvement of gingivitis knowledge in adolescents.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anggi Prabadewanti, Eldarita Eldarita, Aryani Widayati, Quroti A’yun EVALUATION OF MAGIFRESH MOUTHWASH MANALAGI APPLE PEEL EXTRACT FOR CHILDREN2024-10-10T07:51:30+07:00Emini Emini[email protected]Erwin Erwin[email protected]Rini Widiyastuti[email protected]Yusmaniar Yusmaniar[email protected]<p>Dental and oral health problems in children can hinder their growth and development. One of the ways to prevent dental diseases is by maintaining oral hygiene, including using mouthwash to remove plaque. Currently, mouthwash containing active ingredients from natural plants is being increasingly developed, one of which uses the manalagi apple. This study aims to evaluate the organoleptic properties of mouthwash made from manalagi apple peel extract. The research is experimental in nature. The sample used in this study is the peel of the manalagi apple. The research process includes extracting using the maceration method and formulating mouthwash with a 25% concentration of apple peel extract, followed by an organoleptic evaluation over 3 weeks. The results showed that the organoleptic properties of the mouthwash remained stable, with a minty and sweet taste, menthol aroma, no sediment, and a red color. Based on these results, it is concluded that MAGIfresh mouthwash with manalagi apple peel extract has the potential to be favored by children.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Erwin Erwin AND DEVELOPMENT OF A DAILY BOOK FOR PROLANIS PATIENTS TO INCREASE KNOWLEDGE AND MOTIVATION IN MAINTAINING DENTAL AND ORAL HEALTH2024-10-02T16:50:01+07:00Rena Setiana Primawati[email protected]Nia Daniati[email protected]Febri Sri Lestari[email protected]Iryanti Iryanti[email protected]<p>Background: The prevalence of hypertension has increased by 8.3%. The measurement results for the population aged ? 18 years in 2013 were 25.8% and in 2018 it was 34.1%. As much as 8.8% is the prevalence of hypertension in all provinces in Indonesia1. Oral health plays an important role in achieving general health and quality of life in old age. Poor oral conditions disrupt the function and activities of the oral cavity. Elderly people with a history of hypertension and Type 2 DM often seek treatment with loose or cavities in their teeth. Oral hygiene plays an important role in cases of caries in individuals, especially in the elderly who do not maintain oral and dental hygiene. This program aims to ensure that chronic disease sufferers can achieve an optimal quality of life with cost-effective and efficient health services so as to prevent disease complications. One effort to improve prolanis' quality of life is to maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Objective: Create and develop a dental and oral health daily book for prolanis sufferers. The research method: is R & D research and pre-experiment with a one group pretest posttest design to measure knowledge and motivation in prolanis patients. Sampling using purposive sampling technique on prolanis patients amounted to 34 people (Small Group) and 85 people (Big Group). Results: The average value of expert va;idation of 90,55 shows that the interpretation is very high, which means that the media is suitable foe use. Wilxocon test shows an increase in knowledge of prolanis patients with significance (p-value 0.000). Conclusion: Promotional and Preventive Daily Books are effective in increasing knowledge and motivation in Prolanis patients.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rena Setiana Primawati FACTORS DENTAL AND ORAL HYGIENE STATUS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA2024-10-12T15:57:51+07:00Wirza Wirza[email protected]Henny Febriani[email protected]<p>Background: Schizophrenia sufferers generally have poor oral hygiene status, this is because schizophrenic sufferers experience cognitive limitations and the ability to think rationally, resulting in an inability to perform oral hygiene. Research that explores external factors related to dental and oral hygiene status in schizophrenia is still very limited. The aim of this study was to analyze the factors that influence dental and oral hygiene status in schizophrenia. Method. This research is an analytical observation with a cross sectional approach in the work area of ??the Aceh Mental Hospital. The population in this study was all health workers in the schizophrenia room at the Aceh Mental Hospital, totaling 135 people. The sample was taken by purposive sampling, totaling 57 people, the sample size was determined using the TaroYamane formula. Results. This research shows that the level of knowledge and attitude of room health workers is in the good category, but the dental and oral hygiene status of schizophrenic sufferers is still in the poor category, namely 51.3% and 52.3% with a P value > 0.05 which shows that despite their knowledge and The attitude of health workers is in the good category but is not reflected in the dental and oral hygiene status of schizophrenia sufferers. Conclusion. There was no significant relationship between the knowledge and attitude of health workers in the room and the status of dental and oral hygiene in schizophrenia patients.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 wirza OF THE DENTAL AND ORAL HEALTH OF PREGNANT WOMEN BASED ON VISITS TO THE KEDATON BANDAR LAMPUNG HEALTH CENTER2024-10-08T10:05:06+07:00Desi Andriyani[email protected]Karsal Meilendra[email protected]<p>Pregnancy brings many changes to the mother. If not handled properly, it can have a negative impact on the health of the mother and the baby she is carrying. For example, teeth that are not well cared for contain dangerous bacteria. Pregnancy brings many changes to the mother. If not handled properly, it can have a negative impact on the health of the mother and the baby she is carrying. For example, teeth that are not well cared for contain dangerous bacteria. This study aims to determine the relationship between dental and oral health in pregnant women based on visits to the Kedaton Bandar Lampung Community Health Center. The research approach (type) used in the research is cross-sectional, where data regarding the independent variable and the dependent variable or consequences are collected at the same time. The types of data used are primary and secondary data sources. The results of the study show that there is a relationship between dental and oral health in pregnant women based on visits to the Kedaton Bandar Lampung Community Health Center. Dental hygiene or OHIS for pregnant women at the Kedaton Bandar Lampung Health Center was found to have good criteria, only 15 respondents out of 50 respondents. Periodontal tissue health in pregnant women at the Kedaton Bandar Lampung Community Health Center was found to be in the healthy category for only 1 respondent out of 50 respondents. From this research it can be concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge about dental and oral health, dental hygiene and periodontal tissue health in pregnant women. For this reason, community participation is needed to increase knowledge through health education so that they can get used to carrying out dental and oral care efforts, especially for pregnant women</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 desi andriyani desi